Founded in 1816, The State University of New York at Potsdam is one of America’s first 50 colleges -- and the oldest institution within SUNY. Now in its third century, SUNY Potsdam is distinguished by a legacy of pioneering programs and educational excellence. The College currently enrolls approximately 3,600 undergraduate and graduate students. Home to the world-renowned Crane School of Music, SUNY Potsdam is known for its challenging liberal arts and sciences core, distinction in teacher training and culture of creativity. To learn more, visit
(see more)Founded in 1816, The State University of New York at Potsdam is one of America’s first 50 colleges -- and the oldest institution within SUNY. Now in its third century, SUNY Potsdam is distinguished by a legacy of pioneering programs and educational excellence. The College currently enrolls approximately 3,600 undergraduate and graduate students. Home to the world-renowned Crane School of Music, SUNY Potsdam is known for its challenging liberal arts and sciences core, distinction in teacher training and culture of creativity. To learn more, visit
SUNY Potsdam Students Named to President's List

SUNY Potsdam Students Named to President's List

SUNY Potsdam Names Students to Dean's List

SUNY Potsdam Names Students to Dean's List

SUNY Potsdam Students Complete Law Enforcement Training Institute

SUNY Potsdam Students Complete Law Enforcement Training Institute

SUNY Potsdam Names Presidential Scholars

SUNY Potsdam Business Administration Students Win Campus Entrepreneurial Competition

SUNY Potsdam History Students Complete Fellowships to Research American Revolution

SUNY Potsdam Honors Student with Ramage Art History Travel Award

SUNY Potsdam Public Health Graduate Students Attend Equity Conference

SUNY Potsdam Business Administration Students Compete in Global Business Ethics Event

Crane School of Music Announces Opera Cast and Crew for World Premiere of 'Computing Venus'

SUNY Potsdam Students Honored with Theatre and Dance Awards

141 Potsdam Athletes named to SUNYAC Commissioner's Academic Honor Roll

123 Potsdam Athletes named to SUNYAC Commissioner's Academic Honor Roll

SUNY Potsdam Student Honored with William and Helen Gambling Scholarship

SUNY Potsdam Students Awarded James Berriman Scholarship in Philosophy

SUNY Potsdam Students Complete Women, Gender & Leadership Training

SUNY Potsdam Students Complete Women, Gender & Leadership Training

SUNY Potsdam to Recognize Class of 2024 at Commencement

SUNY Potsdam to Recognize Class of 2023 at Commencement

SUNY Potsdam Students Inducted into Kappa Pi International Art Honor Society

SUNY Potsdam Students Inducted into Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society

Crane School of Music Vocalists Chosen for Masterclass with Lisa Vroman

SUNY Potsdam Education Students Complete Early Childhood Paid Internship Program

SUNY Potsdam Names 58 Students to Honors Program